Soccer for Success is designed to introduce the sport of soccer to youngsters living in communities not yet served by existing clubs and leagues. Focused on making soccer available to lower-income children in underserved communities, Soccer for Success provides soccer training and administrative guidance to players and organizations who might otherwise not be exposed to the sport. Soccer for Success also helps new programs find the funding and equipment to begin and then to expand their activities. In the past several years, US Youth Soccer has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in financial and material support to programs across the United States.
Why do we need a Soccer for Success Program?
Soccer is the fastest growing sport in the United States. It has reached into communities from coast to coast and from north to south. Yet, soccer has not always served inner city and rural communities and all economic and ehtnic groups. In order to insure that every child has the opportunity to play our beautiful game, US Youth Soccer founded the Soccer for Success Program.
Goals of Soccer for Success
To reach out to children in unserved and underserved communities to offer them an ongoing program of positive sports activities through soccer. |
To increase self esteem of youngsters through participation in an organized and supportive program of team activities |
To build positive social and life skills |
To provide important exercise and increase awareness of one’s own health through sports |
To provide the players with positive, cooperative and enjoyable activities |
MSYSA Soccer for Success Programs
Detroit PAL | Pontiac Futbol Club | Michigan Yemen Sports Association | Michigan Futbol Club |
Dana Cooper | Jaime Ruiz | Ibrahem Nasser | Abbas Al-Wishah |
313-903-3785 | 248-858-7800 | || | | | |
Beacon Soccer Field (Lansing, MI) l Time Lapse of Field Development
Contact the MSYSA State Office to find out more about getting involved with a local Soccer for Success program.
Visit the Soccer For Success page found through US Youth Soccer’s website for more information about the program, grant information, and more.